Well; I've finally been able to admit it to myself. I've had a bad attitude. I've been blaming Provo for being 'less than Rexburg' which is probably a very true statement... (I'm biased, I love Rexburg.) That being said, it still is no excuse for not throwing myself into the Provo chapter of my life with more enthusiasm and cheer.
Unfortunately, this realization comes to me after I think I've already established more friends here than I really deserve, considering my poor attitude. I'm happy to be here for the opportunity it really is for me; both academically and socially. Where could I have gone from Rexburg that would have afforded me both aspects? I'm pretty blessed. Who cares that I never thought I'd be here... Surprise Ryan!! I'll just move on, enjoy what this has to offer me, and stop complaining.
So, here is my game plan: don't talk about how much better Rexburg is anymore (at least in Provo), leave my apartment to visit someone every night, and plan an activity once a week to invite people to participate in. Additionally, I should probably set some goals regarding dating.... but I think I'll leave those off the internet... wouldn't want anyone to be able to hold me to them... haha!
Someone's got to be ready to break the curse in 8 months...
(Chris to Jon: 6 months?
Jon to Bryce: 7 months?
Bryce to ________: 8 months... Right?)
Well... Let me revise those numbers... Chris to Jon was 4 months, Jon to Bryce was 7, so the next wedding is due in 10 months, which puts it in March/April 2010
Ok, Ok. You need to back off the provo-hate for awhile! It's not such a bad place! It's all about thinking positively. You can be happy anywhere... just put your mind to it. When do classes start? I'm excited you have a blog btw...
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