Monday, December 4, 2006


I was just thinking about what one of my good friends who was one of my companions in the mission field told me recently. I was talking about this girl who I think is so much cooler and stronger than I, and I mentioned how I thought she was a spiritual champion too and as I expressed my thoughts that she is so much above me; I do want to marry up; he told me this, I'll paraphrase:
I don't know very many who know and understand the doctrines like you do, and
it's not just that you know them, you live according to your knowledge.
That means a lot to me, I'm very grateful for his words. I think that I often am unable to see the good qualities I possess because I am so caught up in my weaknesses and I want to progress but I make myself discouraged by my prolific weaknesses. I think there is a tendency for us to be hindered by Satan through discouragement. Satan doesn't want us to be in a position to have a quality relationship with someone who will challenge us to improve. He doesn't want us to marry a right person. Definitely, anyone can marry and function and have a good life with enough commitment to the gospel and to their covenants, but I don't want to just function, I want happiness that is surreal, I don't want to have to work for my marriage relationship, I want to want to work for my marriage relationship.

1 comment:

Rob T said...

Hey buddy, you just need to remember that usually you are the only one that knows your weaknesses. Other people strive constantly to seek out these weaknesses and they are going to be successful only if you allow them to be. You need to bask in those strengths that you have that your obviously wise companion told you about. There must be caution involved though; dont be boastful, just mindful of them. The Lord gave us strengths for the benefit of others. The keyword is strengths, not weaknesses. When our weaknesses become strengths then we show them to the world to help others. Like I said though there must be caution used so as to not be prideful. I dont know if this was the kind of response that you are looking for but there you go anyways.