Thursday, November 30, 2006

As my title suggests... I am rambling... It is about a young lady though

Well, I am here, at this point in my life where I feel like I need to take the steps to establish where things can go. I have never felt this way about anyone before. I think that she likes me, I see many reasons to believe so, but she is also maintaining a distance. I suspect that the distance comes because she is transferring to a different school in 3 weeks.
I don't want things to change. I know that if time were available, things could resolve themselves, but I don't have that luxury. I know that I feel very strongly that she has the qualities I look for in a person I would marry. I am not sure if that is the direction I think this will be heading, but I do feel like this is finally a girl whom I could.
I must somehow prepare myself to have an all important discussion with this girl. I need to define the relationship. I am okay with whatever happens, but I definitely want things to progress, albeit at a much slower pace when we are separated by 300 miles. I originally just wanted to write what I would say to her, but I am not quite ready for that yet, I will try to prepare myself and my thoughts to the point where I can be ready to tell her what is important to me. I need to do so to allow myself to prepare for the remainder of the semester with it's incumbent tests. I need to discover how I really feel as I approach that moment. I have recently become frightened because I have diminished in my whoopedness over this girl. I have become somewhat normal again, but along with that I have lessened in my desires to pursue. I worry that I will again run away from a marvelous girl, just because I am weird and can't be consistent in my dating endeavors. She has changed me for the better, no matter what happens...

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