Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I haven't done this before, so I am going to give it my best shot. I feel like happiness. I rarely ever have any other primary emotion in my life. I am just happy; but sometimes... a girl will strike!
I'll be moving along, minding my own business when I am struck with a girl who probably doesn't even know it, but quite suddenly she has an influence on my life and my happiness level. I definitely enjoy those moments, but it still stinks to have the downs associated with it. I don't know why I seem to fall so quickly, but I pick myself up almost as quickly, so I guess it isn't all bad. I could fall fast and hard and then take a year recovering... so I am still counting my blessings on that one. All is well in Zion, Zion prospereth, all is well... Anyway, I suppose that I am going to recover again from this one when I mess this one up... But in the mean time, I will stay on my rollercoaster of confusion.

Oh, so I am apparently not done venting... I am usually confident and able to talk normally, to be funny, but recently I have lost all ability to be normal around a girl. She has thrown me so far out of control over my life that I am unable to talk to her. I can't get over it, and the poor girl has this usually cool guy who suddenly can't talk or look her in the eyes for very long, or hold a normal conversation, who says really dumb stuff all the time.... great times huh? So now, now I am done.

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